Protective Orders

A protective or restraining order is a court order that gavelforbids someone from doing certain things, or instructs them to follow certain conditions. These orders are often used to provide legal protection to victims of domestic abuse, harassment, stalking and neighborhood disputes. Parents and guardians can seek restraining orders on behalf of children.

The scope of protective orders can be wide, and some common protective orders include mandates to not:

  • Contact someone or come within a certain distance of them;
  • Enter a family home;
  • Remove children from a certain state or area;
  • Sell marital or business property; and
  • Possess or buy a firearm.

If you are the recipient of a protective order you have rights, too; you must be officially served with the order and you have the right to file a response to the allegations.

Whether you are protected by a protective order or are the recipient of one, you need effective legal counsel.  Contact us to arrange a comprehensive and confidential consultation.